NTSE Stage 2 icon

NTSE Stage 2 Overview

Only the NTSE Stage I qualified candidates can compete for the NTSE Stage II; however, NRI or Indian students studying in foreign nations are exempted from Stage I and eligible to appear directly for the NTSE Stage II examination. The MAT and the SAT are two elements of the NTSE exam pattern for the Stage II Exam. There will be 100 questions in both MAT and SAT(Science-40, Maths-20, Social science-40). No negative marking for any wrong answer. Both tests are 2 hours (120 minutes) long.

NTSE STAGE – 2 Syllabus

The NTSE Stage – 2 exam is conducted for students studying in Class X. Only Class X students (below 18 years of age) can appear for the exam.

NTSE syllabus is divided into two stages, each having objective-type questions. They are diversified into two groups: MAT and SAT.

The MAT (Mental Ability Test):

MAT is used to evaluate students’ problem-solving skills and logical reasoning abilities to evaluate their mental sharpness. These abilities are measured using a variety of questions such as data analytics, shape problems, verbal and nonverbal reasoning, and so on. It examines a student’s general approach to mapping and problem-solving and tests their thought process.

NTSE MAT Syllabus: Verbal Reasoning

The topics important for MAT Syllabus are mentioned below:

Analogy Puzzle Test Alphabet Test
Classification Logical Venn diagrams Blood relations
Series Logical sequence of words Verification of truth of the statement
Coding-Decoding Problems on clocks Analytical Reasoning
Direction Sense Test Series completion test Arithmetical reasoning test
Mathematical operations Inserting a missing character


NTSE MAT Syllabus: Non-Verbal Reasoning

The topics important for MAT Syllabus are mentioned below:

Classification Series Analogy
Transparent paper folding Embedded figure Dot fixing situation
Analytical Reasoning Water images Problems on cubes and dice
Incomplete Figures Folding Papercutting


The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test):

This section tests students’ knowledge in subjects like Science, Mathematics and Social Science. The syllabus will be similar to classes IX and X.

Subject-wise NTSE Syllabus for SAT Examination:

The SAT consists of 100 math, science, and social science questions for 100 m

NTSE Stage – 2 Exam Subject Wise Marks Includes –

  • Science – 40 Marks
  • Mathematics – 20 Marks
  • Social Science – 40 marks

The detailed NTSE SAT Exam syllabus is mentioned below –

NTSE Science Syllabus
Acid, bases, and salt Soil Heredity and evolution
Air Sound Our environment
Carbon and its compounds Structure of atom Physical and chemical changes
The cellular level of organisation Water Reproduction
Diversity in living organisms Magnetism & electricity at work Some common diseases
Fibres and plastics Measurements Source of Energy
Food production & management Metals and non-metals The Universe
Microorganism Light Work and energy
Periodic classification of elements Life Process
Plant and animal nutrition Human body
NTSE Mathematics Syllabus
Algebraic expressions Simple interest & compound interest Number system
Arithmetic Statistics Mensuration
Arithmetic progressions Triangle Linear equation
Basic geometry Rational numbers Square root & cube root
Circles Quadratic equation Surface areas and volumes
Coordinate geometry Probability Trigonometry
Direct & inverse variation Playing with numbers
Exponent Percentage & its application
NTSE Social Science Syllabus
History Civics Geology
Culture, science, and literature Democracy Agriculture
Early medieval period Diversity and livelihood Atmosphere
Indus valley civilization The economic presence of the government Industries
Introduction and sources of ancient Indian history India and its neighbours The internal structure of the earth and rocks
Jainism, Buddhism, and conquerors from distant lands Indian constitution Major domains and landforms
Medieval architecture and culture State government Maps and globe
National movement The judiciary The motion of the earth
New empires and kingdoms UN and international agencies Natural vegetation
Popular movements and social reforms Union government Our country-India
Revolt of 1857 Our environment
The Maurya’s Resources and development
Solar system
NTSE General Knowledge Syllabus
Abbreviations Books and Authors Sports
Awards and Recognitions India World
NTSE Mental Ability  Syllabus
Alphabet and Number Test Direction Sense Series (Verbal)
Analogy (Verbal) Embedded Figure Series (Non–Verbal)
Analogy (Non-Verbal) Figure Partition and Dot Situation Venn Diagrams
Blood Relations Missing Character Water and Mirror Images
Calendar, Time and Clock Mathematical Operations Word Problems
Coding-Decoding Ranking and Arrangements Classification


NTSE STAGE – 2 Pattern:

Candidates selected in the first round of examination will be eligible for the national level examination.

The exam is conducted in two parts. The first part is the Mental Ability Test (MAT), and the second is the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).

Features of NTSE Stage – 2 Exam Pattern:

Particulars Details
NTSE Stage 2 ●     Paper – I Mental Ability Test (MAT)

●     Paper – II Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

NTSE Exam Mode Offline
NTSE Number of Subjects 3 (Maths, Science, Social Science)
NTSE Exam Duration 2 Hrs for Each Stage respectively
Number of Questions in NTSE 100 Questions in each paper
NTSE Marking Scheme ●     One mark for each correct answer

●     No negative marking for wrong answers

NTSE Paper Language English, Hindi


NTSE Stage – 1 Important Date:

Events Dates
NTSE Stage 2 Admit Card March-May
NTSE Stage 2 Exam 2nd Sunday of May (unless otherwise notified)
NTSE Stage 2 Result November

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