JEE Main 2025 Preparation Tips icon

JEE Main conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA)  is one of the biggest engineering entrance exams. Students who plan to pursue a career in this industry must start their preparation early to achieve their desired Rank. The exam opens up numerous doors for candidates in the famous NITs, IITs, and GFTIs, but over that, it is also an essential requirement for JEE (Advanced). Their final goal is the ultimate examination that will assist applicants in getting into an IIT.
The candidates who wish to appear for the JEE Main 2025 will be glad to know that there is a ‘no-age limit’. The only draw is that candidates who passed the 12th class or its equivalent in 2022, 2023, or who will take the exam in 2025 can appear for the JEE Main 2025.

JEE Main Preparation

Starting early with the basics is the best approach for qualifying for the JEE Main. Do thorough research about the exam, syllabus, exam pattern, study guide, practice tests, and previous year’s question papers. But always priorities quality over quantity. We are all aware that practice makes perfect, but this only applies if we put our effort in the proper places by working on the right problems, reading the right books, and taking the right mock exams.
  • Know JEE Main Syllabus
  • Create a Study Plan
  • Acquire the Best Study Material
  • Daily Revision
  • Practice Quality Mock Tests
  • Solve Previous Year Question Papers

JEE Main Syllabus

The JEE (Main) syllabus has two papers: Paper 1 for B.E./B.Tech and Paper 2 for B.Arch./B.Plan.
  • Paper 1 Subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • Paper 2A (B.Arch) Subjects: Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing Test.
  • Paper 2B (B.Plan) Subjects:  Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Planning.
These subjects make up the whole entrance exam. Candidates should start their preparation early to master the foundations of these subjects.
Subject-wise Preparation: Familiarize with the subjects and start to create a subject-wise detailed study plan.
The universal truths, guiding principles, and logical theories are at the centre of the physics syllabus. The questions from this, one of the most difficult subjects, as called by many, become more complex as one studies. Frequently, questions asked in the JEE (Main) are a mix of 2 chapters, such as electrodynamics and gravitation. Although experts advise focusing on the various topics early to master them, students often tend to leave it till the end.
Candidates might find it beneficial to divide the subjects according to their complexity and weight in the examination to reduce confusion and make the practice easier. Below we have segmented the topics on their difficulty level.
Topics Number of Questions Marks
Modern Physics 5 20
Heat and Thermodynamics 3 12
Optics 3 12
Current Electricity 3 12
Electrostatics 3 12
Magnetics 2 8
Unit, Dimension and Vector 1 4
Kinematics 1 4
Laws of motion 1 4
Work, Power and Energy 1 4
Centre Of Mass, Impulse and Momentum 1 4
Rotation 1 4
Gravitation 1 4
Simple Harmonic Motion 1 4
Solids and Fluids 1 4
Waves 1 4
Electromagnetics Induction; AC 1 4
Note: These predictions are based upon careful analysis of previous year papers and are subject to change without notice.
Physics demands patience, dedication, and commitment. It plays a sizable role in engineering. Although initially, the subject could appear challenging to get the hang of, with continued practice, one will not only find the concepts simpler but also grow to enjoy them.

Of all the 3 sections in the JEE (Main), Chemistry is the easiest and most scoring subject. The questions asked in the examination are both theoretical and numerical. It is only one of the 3 sections that have year after year the most weightage.

The subject is further divided into physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. Of all the 3 segments physical chemistry is the one where numerical and formula-based questions are asked.
Topics Number of Questions Marks
Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry 3 12
Periodic table and Representative Elements 3 12
Thermodynamics And Gaseous State 2 8
Atomic Structure 2 8
Chemical Bonding 2 8
Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium 2 8
Solid State And Surface Chemistry 2 8
Nuclear Chemistry And Environment 2 8
Mole Concept 1 4
Redox Reaction 1 4
Electrochemistry 1 4
Chemical Kinetics 1 4
Solution and Colligative Properties 1 4
General Organic Chemistry 1 4
Stereochemistry 1 4
Hydrocarbon 1 4
Alkyl Halides 1 4
Carboxylic Acid and their Derivatives 1 4
Carbohydrates, amino acid and Polymers 1 4
Aromatic Compounds 1 4
Note: These predictions are based upon careful analysis of previous year papers and are subject to change without notice.
JEE (Main) aspirants must be well-versed with ideas, formulae, named reactions, chemical equations, and periodic table trends to succeed in chemistry. The subject asks for its candidates’ continual practice, learning, and extensive memorization. With proper knowledge of the fundamental principles, candidates may achieve higher scores in chemistry as most of the concepts in this area are relatively rational and intuitive.
JEE (Main) for mathematics has one of the largest syllabi with what seems like never-ending topics. It becomes challenging for students to prepare for it as the syllabus for JEE (Main), JEE (Advanced) and board exams differ from each other, causing the students to prepare for each of the examinations separately.
But with the right approach, these difficulties are easy to overcome. Students devote their attention to mastering a select few topics while ignoring others that may cause problems down the road. Candidates should focus on the appropriate subjects. They might consult the table below, which lists the number and weight of the questions from each topic.
Topics Number of Questions Marks
Coordinate Geometry 5 20
Limits, Continuity and Differentiability 3 12
Integral Calculus 3 12
Complex numbers and Quadratic Equation 2 8
Matrices and Determinants 2 8
Statistics and Probability 2 8
Three Dimensional Geometry 2 8
Vector Algebra 2 8
Sets, Relation and Function 1 4
Permutations and Combinations 1 4
Binomial Theorem and Its Application 1 4
Sequences and Series 1 4
Trigonometry 1 4
Mathematical Reasoning 1 4
Differential Equation 1 4
Statics and Dynamics 1 4
Differential Calculus 1 4
Note: These predictions are based upon careful analysis of previous year papers and are subject to change without notice.
Even though the 30 chapters of Mathematics are diverse from one another, they are all connected. Many chapter-related questions can be answered by using the expertise of others. Candidates should thus prepare each topic with the same fervour and focus.
Aptitude Test
Topic Weightage
Awareness of persons, places, Building, Materials 2-3%
Objects, texture related to Architecture and build-environment 2-3%
Visualizing three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings 3-4%
Visualizing Different sides of 3D objects 3%
Mental Ability 2%
Color Texture 1-2%
Analytical Reasoning 1-2%
3D- Perception and Appreciation of scale and proportion of objects 2-3%
The Drawing test for the B.Architecture takes place offline, in paper-pen based mode. The exam tests the candidates’ drawing skills. Through their drawings, students demonstrate the elegance and accuracy they possess. Listed below is the JEE Main B.Arch Syllabus that covers a few yet essential topics.
  • Drawing and Designing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil
  • Transformation of forms in both, 2D and 3D union
  • Development of Surfaces and Volumes
  • Generation of Plans
  • Creating 2D and 3D compositions using given shapes and forms
  • Elevation and 3D views of objects rotation
  • Sketching of activities from memory of urban scenes
The Planning section of the Paper 2 question paper tests the candidates on their general knowledge, organizational and planning skills. The syllabus for the JEE (Main) B.Planning is listed below to make the aspirants’ preparation easier.
  • General awareness, government programs/schemes, development issues
  • Comprehension, graphs, charts and map reading skills, critical thinking and analytical skills, simple statistics
  • CBSE Class X Social Sciences

JEE Main Study Plan

Time management is the key to acing the JEE Main 2025 and a strategically designed timetable can help you achieve that.
  • Create a monthly study plan, divide it into realistic weekly schedules, and allot time to each subject.
  • Focus initially on the challenging yet crucial topics that carry a lot of weight in the exams, then continue to review the lighter subjects to empower your remembrance.
  • Memorize after understanding the key principles, concepts, and formulas.
  • To improve your ability to focus and retain information, adopt a read-aloud and writing mindset.
  • When studying, always keep a separate notepad nearby to jot down any important concepts or questions you wish to clarify with your instructor or classmates later.
  • Remember the importance of quick breaks. Take a 5- to 10-minute break in the middle of an hour-long study session to keep your mind active and alert.
  • Overnight studies are discouraged since they interfere with your sleep routine and can make you lethargic, which may result in tardiness.
  • Get at least 5 to 6 hours of sleep at night so that you may begin JEE Main preparation the following morning with a fresh mind.
  • Take advice from your peers, but keep in mind that what works for them might not work for you. Find your unique style of tackling the questions.
  • The old saying “health is wealth” is not hype. Meditation, yoga or any other form of physical activity, as well as eating a diet rich in healthy foods will help you now and in the future. It’ll give you strength, confidence and peace of mind.
  • Recognize the value, necessity, and usefulness of power naps. A power nap can be quite beneficial for your brain after long study sessions. You’ll awaken feeling renewed and eager to tackle questions.

JEE Main Best Study Material

The study materials a candidate selects to prepare for the JEE Main exam is crucial in assisting them in realising their goal of attending an IIT or NIT. Therefore, it is advised to choose the best study material.
The instructor the candidates select who will guide them through the JEE Main often provides their own study material but it is important to have other books to study and practice from.  Below are the subject-wise best books available and recommended to start the JEE Main preparation.
Book Author
NCERT Class 11th and 12th Textbooks NCERT
Concepts of physics (Vol. 1 and 2) H.C Verma
Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, Resnick & Walker
Understanding Physics: Set of books for

  • Electricity & Magnetism
  • Mechanics (Vol. 1 & 2)
  • Optics & Modern Physics
  • Waves & Thermodynamics
D C Pandey (Arihant Publications)
Problems in General Physics I.E Irodov
Understanding Physics Freedman and Young
Problems in Physics SS Krotov
Problems and solutions of Physics Shashi Bhushan Tiwari
Book Author
NCERT Class 11th and 12th Textbooks NCERT
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations H.C Verma
Organic Chemistry O P Tandon
Concept of Physical Chemistry P Bahadur
Concise Inorganic Chemistry J D Lee
Physical Chemistry P.W. Atkins
Organic Chemistry Morrison & Boyd
Book Author
NCERT Class 11th and 12th Textbooks NCERT
Objective Mathematics R D Sharma
Plane Trigonometry S L Loney
The Elements Of Coordinate Geometry S L Loney
Algebra Dr S K Goyal (Arihant Publications)
Play with Graphs Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)
Differential Calculus Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)
Integral Calculus Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)
Complete Mathematics for JEE Main TMH
Arch and B.Plan 
Book Author
A complete Self-Study Guide for B.Arch Entrance Examinations P.K. Mishra
NATA & B.Arch Full Package NATA360
A Guide to B.Arch Entrance Exams with Solved Papers GKP
Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Book R S Agarwal
B.Arch/B.Plan Aptitude Test for JEE Main S C Garg
Architecture Entrance Book P K Mishra

JEE Main Daily Revision

What is the best way to revise the syllabus? What subjects should I go over again? Should I only go through the difficult topics again? When should I begin revising?
Have these questions along with many other numerous others plagued your mind? Then it is high time for you to come up with a good Revision strategy.
It’s important to go over practically every topic from every subject again but doing so may get tedious and time-consuming if not done properly. However, the outcome will be that you will feel completely secure in yourself. That is why revision should be a daily task, not cramming everything just nights before the big day, which could lead to tiredness and sleep deprivation. By following the tips given below you will be able to manage your time efficiently and effectively.
  • Make revision a part of your daily routine. This way, you’ll become used to it and it won’t seem like a difficult chore during exams.
  • Divide your topics for revision in a time-bound manner which is realistic and won’t be difficult to execute.
  • Understand the material, not memorize it. It will help you in solving questions that are not directly related to the topic but might be a derivative of it.
  • Go over the material today you covered last week. It will assist you to recall the details and maintain the current knowledge when you review it the following week.
  • Your revision plan should involve practising numerical problems as well as reviewing key chapters and subject-specific topics.

JEE Main Practice Quality Mock Tests

Mock exams are very helpful in getting applicants ready for the JEE (Main). The market is flooded with mock tests and practice series, some are cost-free, while others charge a minimal fee.
The trick is to priorities test quality above test quantity. One will only be able to solve a particular type of question if they keep practicing from the same kind of mock tests without adding any diversity. However, after careful analysis, it is found that the JEE (Main) questions cover a wide range of topics and demonstrate diversity.
Our specialists at ALLEN Overseas have created various mock tests based on the most recent exam pattern to make your search easy and help you successfully prepare for JEE (Main). Download mock tests to start practicing today.
Download Mock Tests

JEE (Main) Solve Previous Year Question Papers

JEE (Main) previous year questions papers should be a part of the candidate’s revision strategy. The question papers show candidates the types of questions that have previously been asked, the marking scheme and an in-depth look into the minds of the person who designs the exam.
  • Solving the previous year’s question papers help candidates find out where they stand currently.
  • The question paper will show the candidates how long it takes them to solve all the questions.
  • Candidates can enhance their time management skills by solving the questions and completing them in the prescribed time.
  • It’ll boost their confidence and get them exam ready.
Download all previous year’s question papers and get ready to ace JEE Main.
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