DASA 2025 Seat Allotment Procedure icon

DASA 2025 Seat Allotment Procedure

Candidates seeking admission through the DASA scheme need to submit their application online along with all the required documents. The application form should be filled and submitted online only, and no hard copy of the supporting documents or application form needs to be sent to the DASA office.

Once the application has been successfully submitted to DASA, it then proceeds to the next step, i.e. seat allotment.

The seat allotment is solely based on the academic merits gained by the student. The allotment is done as per the choices indicated by the students in the application form.

The higher merit of the student would get the student a higher preference in getting into the chosen course/institution.

If the chosen course/institute is indicated unavailable, the student will be allotted the 2nd preference and likewise will be continued till further preferences.

Further rounds, round 2 and round 3 of allotment is conducted for all the students who have not been allotted any seat and will be indicated as Not allotted in the allotment list until and unless all the seats have not been filled.

Foreign nationals are required to obtain a valid student visa as applicable to their category issued by the Indian Missions abroad. The visa can be obtained by producing the Provisional Admission offer letter and other required documents at the Indian Missions located in their respective country. It is the responsibility of the students to arrange for a visa as necessary.

First Round of Allotment:

Once after successfully complete all the procedures, the students can participate in the first round of allotment,

  • The first round of allotments shall be displayed on the applicant portal of DASA (dasanit.org) as per the schedule.
  • No individual allotment letters/emails will be sent to applicants who get a seat allotment.
  • Applicants who are allotted seats in Round 1 are required to confirm their options on or before the deadline mentioned in the schedule on DASA website.

Second Round of Allotment:

If the student chooses to Accept/Upgrade the allotment in the first round or did not make it in the first round of allotment, they may proceed to the second round as per the Inter-Se-Merit.

  • The second round of allotments shall be displayed on the applicant portal of DASA (dasanit.org) as per the schedule.
  • No individual allotment letters/emails will be sent to applicants who get a seat allotment.
  • Applicants who are allotted seats in Round 2 are required to confirm their options on or before the deadline mentioned in the schedule on DASA website.

Third Round of Allotment:

If the student chooses to Accept/Upgrade the allotment in the second round or did not make it in the first or second round of allotment, they may proceed to the second round as per the Inter-Se-Merit.

  • The third round of allotments shall be displayed on the applicant portal of DASA (dasanit.org) as per the schedule.
  • No individual allotment letters/emails will be sent to applicants who get a seat allotment.
  • Applicants who are allotted seats in Round 3 are required to confirm their options on or before the deadline mentioned in the schedule on DASA website.

Internal Sliding:

Internal sliding would be conducted for all the admitted students on the scheduled dates entirely on the basis of Inter-Se-Merit for vacancies that exist in the particular institute upon completion of the admission process. The original choices mentioned by the candidate would only be considered, and no fresh choice filling/ modifications are required for this.

Special Round:

Seats remaining vacant after the internal sliding in respective Institutes will be displayed on the DASA website as per the schedule. Registered & eligible students who have already paid the fee but not got any allotment in the earlier rounds will be considered for allotment in the Special Round.

The students need to fill in fresh choices, and the choices filled in earlier before the first round would be cleared (deleted). The students who have declined their allotments or withdrawn/ cancelled their applications at any stage are not eligible for the Special round.

Students participating in this Special Round must ‘lock’ their choices after filling choices. For students who fail to lock in their revised choices, the last saved choices will be locked automatically when the time window for filling of choices closes and will be considered for allotment.

Actions To Be Taken By The Student:

At each round of counselling, the students can take any of the 2 actions. If they are provided, their preferred course/institute can choose either to Accept or Decline.

  • Accept:

If the student is accepting the allotted Institute/Course. They can press “Accept”. Choosing would generate a Provisional Admission Letter.

  • Decline:

If the student does not wish to accept the allotted Institute/Course and Seat, they cab can choose to decline it. Pressing Decline with generate a Cancellation/ Withdrawal letter.

Pressing Decline would mean that your application won’t be considered for any further seat allotment in Round 2, Round 3 and Special Round.

The students, who have been allotted any other course/institution than their preference, would have the 3rd choice as well.

  • Accept & Upgrade:

The choice of “Accept & Upgrade” implies that the student is interested in Round 2 allotment for gradation of the Institute/ course as per the original choices given at the time of filling out the application.

At the same time, they do not wish to surrender their presently allotted seat. Choosing this option would generate the Provisional Allotment Letter.

If the student gets a seat that has a higher preference in his/her list of choices in the previous round, the student can claim the previously allotted seat only. This means that the student cannot choose between the seats allotted in successive rounds.

In case no upgradation takes place due to the unavailability of vacancies in the higher choices during the next round, the allotment in the previous round will be retained.

Provisional Admission Letters

After all the rounds of counselling, the chosen students can move on to the next step with their allotted institution/ courses, provided the acceptance for the seat allotment has been made within the specified time frame.

The students are then to report to the institution within their specified time and produce all the required documents in original. All admissions would be subject to the verification of original certificates/ documents and satisfactory physical fitness, as prescribed by the concerned Institutes during the time of admission.

Not reporting at the allotted institute during the specified period entails the cancellation of the allotted seat and forfeiting of the full fee.

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