Tips to boost brain power before exam

  • ACIO
  • November 24, 2023

“Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” – Lao Tzu

Exams are an inevitable aspect of student life, yet they might be terrifying at times. Unlike normal exams, competitive exams test not only the academic knowledge of the students but also their discipline, coping skills, temperament, and mental stamina. Hence, it is extremely essential for your brain to perform at its best to score good marks. Students often complain that while writing exams, their concentration wavers or they couldn’t recall something they have learned, this happened because your brain is not in an active mode to support your focus and memory recollection. To prevent that scenario, here we are going to present six exam brain boosting tips that will help you in optimizing your brain power for improved results.

Six tips to boost brain power before exam:

1. Take enough sleep before exam:

It is imperative for aspirants to enter the examination hall with a well-rested and refreshed mind, thus taking adequate sleep a night before is vital. Take approximately 7-9 hours of sleep to boost brain power before exam. On the other hand, sleep deprivation may result in mental fatigue and exhaustion that mess up your concentration and performance.

2. Eat brain foods:

Your brain needs nutrition and energy to perform at its peak, hence eating some brain foods will increase your brain power. Brain foods like almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, dark chocolate, yogurt, chia seeds, etc. will enhance your memory and mental health. In addition, it is recommended to eat a healthy nutritious dinner the night before and some protein-rich light breakfast on the day of the exam. However, remember that over-eating or junk foods will crash your energy levels, so avoid them.

3. Practice meditation:

Meditation is a stress-management activity that calms your mind, relieves tension, tiredness, and negative thoughts from your mind and body. Just sit straight with your eyes closed, put your feet on the ground and take a few deep breaths. Don’t let your mind wander and just focus on breathing. Practicing meditation for 10-15 minutes will calm your nerves and help your mind perform its best while writing exams.

4. Play mind puzzle or brain games:

Playing puzzle and mind games like sudoku and chess will refresh your brain and boost concentration levels quickly. These funny brain activities improve your brain’s cognitive abilities and analytical thinking skills which in turn boost brain power for studies and exams. Keep in mind not to go overboard with the games though. Just playing instead of studying will have severe negative effects on your grades. Schedule your playtime no more than 5 minutes after every 1 hour or 45 minutes of the rigorous study session and don’t stretch your game, leave it after 5 minutes and resume your studies.

5. Avoid cramming the night before:

A day or night before exam is an extremely dreadful period where students’ minds are plagued with numerous questions and insecurities like have I prepared well enough, did I revise everything, what will happen during the exam, what if I forget something or if anything goes wrong. As your brain is already overwhelmed, cramming information a night before will overburden it which could impair your concentration and focus during exam. Therefore, it is recommended to follow an effective study schedule before exam and avoid cramming at any cost.

6. Exercise for 20 minutes:

Researches suggest that 15-20 minutes of moderate exercise will improve your brain’s blood flow for enhanced concentration and memory power. Mild exercises like jogging, running or some yoga will send oxygen to your mind which improves your cognitive abilities so you’ll become more alert and energized for the exam. Try to incorporate 15-20 minutes of walking or jogging into your routine and you’ll see some miraculous benefits. Also on your exam day, re-energized your brain with just 10 minutes of a small exercise session.

Six tips to boost brain power

Pre-exam preparations advice for JEE and NEET aspirants:

In addition to the above-mentioned tips, here we suggest some pre-exam preparation advice that every IIT-JEE and NEET aspirant should follow…

  • Prepare all your necessary stuff like admit card, stationary, and all other required documents a night before
  • Wake up a little early on the exam day to have enough time for preparations
  • Practice 5-10 minutes of meditation in the morning before your exam
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated
  • Remove all sorts of distractions like mobile phones, laptops, or any other disturbing elements.
  • Eat a light protein-rich breakfast before your exam

Some Pre-exam preparations advice for NRI Students:

  • Reach at the examination center a little early, before reporting time so as to avoid traffic delay.
  • Avoid studying on the exam day as you’ll feel more anxious if you fail to recall something.
  • Stay calm and confident throughout the exam.

These are some of the exam brain boosting tips and pre-exam preparations advice that you can follow to boost your brain power and avoid any unnecessary stress on your exam day. Remember, your preparation will decide your score and success, thus don’t compromise on it. Prepare with ALLEN Overseas under the mentorship of the best academic experts to achieve all your future goals. Reach out to us with your queries, comments, or suggestions and we will gladly assist you.

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