NEET UG 2024 Major Updates – No Exam Centers Outside India and more

  • ALLEN Overseas
  • February 10, 2024

20 February 2024- Latest Updates on NEET Exam Centers Outside India: NEET UG 2024 Overseas Exam Center Cities List Added by NTA: Check Details


The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the NEET UG 2024 application form on 9 February 2024. This year, the NTA made NEET UG 2024 Major Updates in exam centers, syllabus, and others. In this blog, we will cater all the important changes that are made by the NTA.

NEET UG 2024 Major Updates:

Events Date
Application Form 09 February 2024 to 09 March 2024 (up to 05:00 PM)
Last date of fee submission 09 March 2024 (up to 11:50 PM)
Exam Date 5th May 2024
Time Duration 03 Hours 20 minutes
Timing of Exam 2:00 PM to 05:20 PM (IST)
Declaration of Result 14 June 2024
NEET Application Fees ● For General/ NRI category, the registration fee will be Rs. 1700/-

● For General-EWS/OBC-NCL category the registration fee will be Rs. 1600/-

● For SC/ST/PwBD/Third Gender category the registration fee will be Rs. 1000/-

NEET UG 2024 Exam Centers Updates:

The NEET UG 2024 application form has been released and with it the list of exam centers in Indian cities. This year, the exam will not be conducted in centers outside India. However, the number of exam cities within India has increased from 499 to 554. Last year, NTA conducted NEET in 14 exam centers abroad for admission to MBBS, BDS, and UG courses in Indian medical colleges. The NEET UG 2024 information also states that details of the exam fees for centers outside India have been removed.

State Exam Centers in 2023 Exam Centers in 2024
Assam 12 17
Bihar 27 34
Chhattisgarh 13 19
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1 1
Daman and Diu 2 2
Delhi 1 1
Goa 2 2
Gujrat 25 31
Haryana 8 19
Himachal Pradesh 9 10
Jammu and Kashmir 10 10
Jharkhand 18 22
Karnataka 29 31
Kerala 16 16
Lakshadweep 1 1
Madhya Pradesh 30 31
Maharashtra 35 34
Manipur 1 3
Meghalaya 2 5
Mizoram 1 2
Nagaland 2 3
Odisha 26 26
Puducherry 1 4
Punjab 15 16
Rajasthan 24 25
Sikkim 2 2
Tamil Nadu 31 31
Tripura 2 2
Uttar Pradesh 59 60
Uttarakhand 10 13
West Bengal 19 19
Telangana 21 24
Ladakh 2 2

NEET UG 2024: Updated Syllabus

The NEET Physics syllabus has been updated by the authority. Refer to the tables below to know which topics have been added or reduced in the NEET Physics, Chemistry and Biology syllabus for 2024.

NEET UG 2024 Physics Syllabus:

Unit name NEET Deleted Topics NEET Added Topics
Physics and measurement Scope and excitement; nature of physical laws; Physics, technology, and society Need for measurement: Length, mass, and time measurements, accuracy and precision of measuring instruments.
Kinematics Elementary concepts of differentiation and integration for describing motion, Scalar and vector quantities: Position and displacement vectors, general vectors, general vectors and notation, equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real number
Laws of Motion Equilibrium of concurrent forces, lubrication
Rotational Motion Momentum conservation, centre of mass of uniform rod
Gravitation Geostationary satellites Motion of a satellite, time period and energy of a satellite
Properties of Solids and Liquids Shear, modulus of rigidity, poisson’s ratio; elastic energy, Reynold’s number, Qualitative ideas of Black Body Radiation, Wein’s displacement law, and Green House effect, Cp, Cv, Newton’s law of cooling and Stefan’s law Pressure due to a fluid column; Pascal’s law and its applications. Effect of gravity on fluid pressure
Thermodynamics Heat engines and refrigerators
Oscillations and Waves Free, forced and damped oscillations (qualitative ideas only), Resonance, Doppler effect
Electrostatics Free charges and bound charges inside a conductor, Van de Graaff generator
Current Electricity The flow of electric charges in a metallic conductor, Carbon resistors, color code for carbon resistors, Potentiometer-principle and applications to measure potential difference, and for comparing emf of two cells; measurement of internal resistance of a cell
Magnetic effects of current and magnetism Concept of magnetic field, Oersted’s experiment, Cyclotron, Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron, Earth’s magnetic field and magnetic elements, Permanent magnets Effect of temperature on Magnetic Properties
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current LC oscillations (qualitative treatment only)
Optics Reflection and refraction of plane wave at a plane surface using wavefronts, Scattering of light- blue colour of the sky and reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset, Optical instruments: Human eye, image formation and accommodation, correction of eye defects (myopia and hypermetropia) using lenses, Microscopes and astronomical telescopes (reflecting and refracting) and their magnifying powers.
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Davisson-Germer experiment (experimental details should be omitted; only conclusion should be explained) Dual nature of radiation
Atoms and Nuclei Isotopes, isobars; isotones, Radioactivity- alpha, beta and gamma particles/ rays and their properties decay law
Electronic Devices Energy bands in solids (qualitative ideas only), conductors, insulators, Junction transistor, transistor action, characteristics of a transistor; transistor as an amplifier (common emitter configuration) and oscillator, Transistor as a switch
Kinetic Theory of Gases RMS speed of gas molecules, Avogadro’s number

NEET UG 2024 Chemistry Syllabus:

Unit name NEET Deleted Topics NEET Added Topics
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry General Introduction: Important and scope of chemistry
Atomic Structure Atomic number, isotopes and isobars. Concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of light Nature of electromagnetic radiation, photoelectric effect; Spectrum of the hydrogen atom. Bohr model of a hydrogen atom – its postulates, derivation of the relations for the energy of the electron and radii of the different orbits, limitations of Bohr’s model
Chemical Thermodynamics Third law of thermodynamics- Brief introduction Fundamentals of thermodynamics: System and surroundings, extensive and intensive properties’ state functions, types of processes
Some p-Block Elements Atomic number, isotopes and isobars, Concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen Cyanides and Isocyanides- will be mentioned at relevant places
Polymers Classification- Natural and synthetic, methods of polymerization (addition and condensation), copolymerization. Some important polymers: natural and synthetic like polyesters, bakelite; rubber, Biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers.
Chemistry in Everyday Life Chemicals in medicines- analgesics, tranquillisers, antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antibiotics, antacids, antihistamines.

Chemicals in food- preservatives, artificial sweetening agents, elementary ideas of antioxidants.

Cleansing agents- soaps and detergents, cleansing action

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Kossel – Lewis approach to chemical bond formation, the concept of ionic and covalent bonds, Elementary idea of metallic bonding, Fajan’s rule
Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Electrolytic and metallic conduction, conductance and their in electrolytic solutions, molar conductivities variation with concentration: Kohlrausch’s law and its applications

Electrochemical cells – Electrolytic and Galvanic cells, different types of electrodes, electrode potentials including standard electrode potential, half-cell and cell reactions, emf of a Galvanic Cell and its measurement: Nernst equation and its applications, Relationship between cell potential and Gibbs’ energy change: Dry cell and lead accumulator, Fuel cells

Chemical Kinetics Pressure, collision theory of bimolecular gaseous reactions (no derivation)
d and f Block Elements Transition Elements
Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds Purification – Crystallisation. sublimation, distillation, differential extraction, chromatography – principles and their applications

Qualitative analysis – Detection of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and halogens

Quantitative analysis (basic principles only) – Estimation of carbon. hydrogen. nitrogen. halogens. sulphur. phosphorus.

Calculations of empirical formula and molecular formulae: Numerical problems in organic quantitative analysis

Hydrocarbons Classification of isomerism. IUPAC nomenclature, general methods of preparation, properties, and reactions
Organic Compounds Containing Halogens General methods of preparation, properties, and reactions; Nature of C-X bond: Mechanisms of substitution reactions

Uses; Environmental effects of chloroform, iodoform freons, and DDT

Principles Related to Practical Chemistry Detection of extra elements (Nitrogen, sulphur, halogens), in organic compounds; Detection of the following functional group, hydroxyl (alcoholic and phenolic), carbonyl (aldehyde and ketones) carboxyl, and amino groups in organic compounds.

The chemistry involved in the preparation of the following:

Inorganic compounds: Mohr’s salt. potash alum

Organic compounds: Acetanilide. p-nitro acetanilide, aniline yellow, iodoform

The chemistry involved in the titrimetric exercises – Acids. bases and the use of indicators. oxalic-acid vs KMnO4. Mohr’s salt vs KMnO4

Chemical principles involved in the qualitative salt analysis



Chemical principles involved in the following experiments:

1. Enthalpy of solution of CuSO4

2. Enthalpy of neutralisation of strong acid and strong base

3. Preparation of lyophilic and lyophobic sols

4. Kinetic study of the reaction of iodide ions with hydrogen peroxide at room temperature.

NEET UG 2024 Biology Syllabus:

Unit name NEET Deleted Topics NEET Added Topics
Diversity in Living World Three domains of life, Tools for study of Taxonomy – Museums, Zoos, Herbaria, Botanical gardens, Angiosperms, Angiosperms classification up to class, characteristic features and examples
Structural Organization in Animals and Plants Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect (cockroach). (Brief account only) Family (malvaceae, Cruciferae, leguminoceae, compositae, graminae)


Morphology, anatomy and functions of different systems (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect (frog). (Brief account only)

Plant Physiology Transport in plants: Movement of water, gases and nutrients; Cell to cell transport-Diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport; Plant – water relations – Imbibition, water potential, osmosis, plasmolysis; Long distance transport of water – Absorption, apoplast, symplast, transpiration pull, root pressure and guttation; Transpiration-Opening and closing of stomata; Uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients-Transport of food, phloem transport, Mass flow hypothesis; Diffusion of gases (brief mention)


Mineral nutrition: Essential minerals, macro and micronutrients and their role; Deficiency symptoms; Mineral toxicity; Elementary idea of Hydroponics as a method to study mineral nutrition; Nitrogen metabolism-Nitrogen cycle, biological nitrogen fixation


Seed dormancy; Vernalisation; Photoperiodism

Human Physiology Digestion and absorption; Alimentary canal and digestive glands; Role of digestive enzymes and gastrointestinal hormones; Peristalsis, digestion, absorption and assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats; Caloric value of proteins, carbohydrates and fats; Egestion; Nutritional and digestive disorders – PEM, indigestion, constipation, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhea


Reflex action; Sense organs; Elementary structure and function of eye and ear

Reproduction Reproduction in organisms: Reproduction, a characteristic feature of all organisms for continuation of species; Modes of reproduction – Asexual and sexual; Asexual reproduction; Modes-Binary fission, sporulation, budding, gemmule, fragmentation; vegetative propagation in plants
Biology and Human Welfare Tobacco abuse, Improvement in food production; Plant breeding, tissue culture, single cell protein, Biofortification; Apiculture and Animal husbandry
Ecology and Environment Habitat and niche, Population and ecological adaptations, Nutrient cycling (carbon and phosphorous); Ecological succession; Ecological Services-Carbon fixation, pollination, oxygen release.

Environmental issues: Air pollution and its control; Water pollution and its control; Agrochemicals and their effects; Solid waste management; Radioactive waste management; Greenhouse effect and global warning; Ozone depletion; Deforestation; Any three case studies as success stories addressing environmental issues.

Cell Structure and Function Classification and nomenclature of enzymes
Genetics and Evolution Protein biosynthesis
Biology and Human Welfare Dengue, Chikungunya

It is advised to the students to regularly check the official website for the NEET UG 2024 Major Updates and notices. It’s time to buckle up and prepare for the exam.

Hope the above information will help you. ALLEN Overseas wishes all the NEET-UG 2024 aspirants the best of luck.

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