Know all about National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE) 2021

  • ACIO
  • November 24, 2023

What is NSTSE:

National Level Science Talent Search Examination or commonly known as NSTSE is a diagnostic assay conducted by the Unified Council, a professionally managed progressive organization that helps students to improve their overall academic performance & learning ability.

The Unified Council has been effectively conducting NSTSE in India, Tanzania, UAE, KSA, Yemen, Oman, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Indonesia, and Nepal. Since its establishment in 1998, the Unified Council has been working constantly towards testing and promoting talented young minds infusing a competitive spirit among them and ensuring their bright and enterprising future through tests like NSTSE.

NSTSE measures how well a student has understood the concepts and provides in-depth feedback on an equivalent, to assist him/her improve.

In NSTSE, the emphasis for assessment of scholastic skills is especially on Mathematics and Science.

NSTSE Eligibility:

Students of classes I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI (PCM), XI (PCB), XII (PCM), and XII (PCB) can participate, both School and Individual entries are accepted.

NSTSE Important Dates:

Events Important Dates
Last Date for Receipt of Application Forms 31-08-2021 (Tuesday)
NSTSE Exam Schedule 22-01-2022(Saturday) & 30-01-2022(Sunday)

NSTSE Fee Structure:

Individual Registration Exam Fee: Rs.300/-

The fee includes 2 Past/Model Question Paper, SPR, Success Series Book, and Postal charges.

The Past/Model Question Papers, Success Series Book will be provided as downloadable e-books

Registration through School Exam Fee: Rs. 150/-

NSTSE Application Form:

NSTSE 2022 registration process is of two types:

Individual Registration:

The unified council accepts direct/individual registrations of the students. The aspirants can register on the official website ( of the Unified Council. The application form fee can be paid ONLINE through Netbanking/Debit/Credit Card.

Steps to Register Individually on the official website:

  1. Visit the official website ( ) of National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE).
  2. Click on the tab which says “Register here” for NSTSE, UIMO & UIEO, or UCO (Academic Year 2021-22)”.
  3. Select the class that you are studying from the list. The names of different olympiad examination appear on the screen.
  4. Select your option and click on continue. You can select multiple Olympiads from the list.
  5. Enter your personal and school details in the space provided and click on submit.
  6. After the form is filled online payment can be made using NetBanking/Debit/Credit card.
  7. Download the application form preview for future reference.

School Registration:

The other way is to register through schools. Students can participate in NSTSE 2021 Online by using the Unified School Registration Number (USRN)

Steps to Register through School on the official website:

  1. Click
  2. Enter the Unified School Registration Number(USRN) and Click on Check.
  3. Select the class that you are studying from the list and the names of different olympiad examinations appear on the screen.
  4. Select your option and enter you personal details in the space provided and click on Continue.
  5. After the form is filled online payment can be made using NetBanking/Debit/Credit card.
  6. Download the application form preview for future reference.

NSTSE Syllabus:

NSTSE Question Papers are suitable for students following CBSE / ICSE / ISC and various other State Board syllabi.

NSTSE Exam Pattern:

Each class has a different question paper. All questions are objective-type with no negative marking for wrong answers.

Class No. of Questions Marks Duration
I 40 40 1 Hour
II 50 50
III to XII 60 60

Division of Marks in the Question Paper:

Class I
Subject Marks
Mathematics 15
General Science 25
Class II
Subject Marks
Mathematics 20
General Science 30
Class III to V
Subject Marks
Mathematics 25
General Science 30
Critical Thinking 5
Class VI to X
Subject Marks
Mathematics 25
Physics 10
Chemistry 10
Biology 10
Critical Thinking 5
Class XI and Class XII (PCM)
Subject Marks
Mathematics 25
Physics 15
Chemistry 15
Critical Thinking 5
Class XI and Class XII (PCB)
Biology 25
Physics 15
Chemistry 15
Critical Thinking 5

NSTSE Results and Rankings:

The Unified Council provides Student’s performance report (SPR) for individual students, which provides all the details as mentioned below –

  • His/Her chosen answers for all questions in the NSTSE
  • Correct answers for all questions in the exam
  • Subject wise marks
  • Subject wise and overall ranking in the national level
  • Average marks of all the students in different subjects
  • Group Highest Marks
  • Question wise analysis, Skill wise analysis

SPR provides real feedback on real learning. Allows students to know where they stands and diagnose areas of strength and weakness and it helps the students to improve their performance.

SPR will be helpful for each and every student to analyses his/her performance and improve upon it.

Cost of SPR: Rs. 15.

When more than one student gets equal marks, the priority for awarding ranks will be according to the marks acquired in the specified order of sections in the question paper.

In case of a tie in deciding a rank due to the same marks, the time taken for completing the test is considered for deciding the rank. The One who took less time for completing gets the upper rank.

The NSTSE results are also made available on its official website.

NSTSE Scholarships:

National Toppers:

  • NSTSE Topper is awarded Rs. 2,00,000 cash prize*. The student who achieves Rank 1 and the highest percentage of marks among all the classes is declared as NSTSE Topper.
  • The Top Rankers and next 2 Rankers of each class are given a Laptop and a Tablet PC and a Memento to each. Ranks 4 to 10 and 11 to 25 of each class, are each awarded a cash prize of ₹ 2000 and ₹ 1000 respectively each.
  • Rankers 26 to 100 of each class are given BMA’s Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book from M/s. Brain Mapping Academy, each.

All the Rankers (1 to 100) are awarded with Olympiad Coach Online Subscription worth ₹ 1198, a Medal, and a Certificate of Appreciation. Participation certificates are offered to all students who appear for the examination.

State Toppers:

State-wise ranks are declared after freezing out the top 100 ranks across the country. The top 3 rankers from each State are awarded with a special award for encouragement and Olympiad Coach Online Subscription worth ₹ 1198, and a Certificate of Appreciation.

City Toppers:

City Rank (for every Class) is declared for classes having a minimum of 500 students in a particular city. City-wise topper is declared after the 100 ranks across the country and state toppers.

Consolation Prizes:

Top rankers in each class from selected cities* are awarded with Olympiad Coach Online Subscription worth ₹ 1198, and a Certificate of Appreciation.

Academic support from ALLEN Overseas would be given to participants in the form of soft copy (Science & Maths subject only).

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