IIT Delhi: Cut-off Factors | Qualifying Marks | All India Rank

  • ACIO
  • November 24, 2023

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, aka IIT Delhi or IITD, is one of India’s most prestigious engineering institutes, attracting thousands of students every year. It is a public institution established in 1961 and, over the years, ranked among the top IITs in India. Since its inception, it has gained two prominent statuses – “The Institute of National Importance” in 1963 and “The Institution of Eminence (IoE)” in 2018.

The institute offers various undergraduate and postgraduate programs in engineering, sciences, and management courses. However, getting into IIT Delhi is not easy, as the admission process is highly competitive, and candidates need to score high in the JEE Advanced and clear the cut-off. Therefore, the cut-off of IIT Delhi is a critical factor in determining whether a student can get admission into the institute. Here we’ll discuss the cut-off of IIT Delhi.

JEE Advanced 2023 Cut-off for IIT Delhi:

The JEE Advanced 2023 cut-off for IIT Delhi will be announced soon by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA). Cut-off is the required score for admission to the institute’s B.E./ B.Tech programmes. Authorities will release a separate JEE Advanced 2023 cut-off for each course and category of candidates.

JoSAA will release the JEE Advanced cut-off for IIT Delhi in online mode only. The cut-off includes opening and closing ranks required in JEE Advanced for admission to IIT Delhi. Students who secured admission by scoring the minimum required marks in JEE Advanced and clearing the cut-off will get their names in merit lists and participate in JoSAA counselling. The higher the ranking in the merit list, the higher the student’s chances of admission.

Factors Determining Cut-off:

The cut-off varies every year and depends on several factors, which may include:

  • Number of applicants
  • Total number of available seats
  • JEE Advanced exam’s difficulty level
  • Total candidates appeared for the exam

Previous Years’ Cut-off for IIT Delhi:

Courses Round 1 Cut-off by Rank Round 2 Cut-off by Rank Round 3 Cut-off by Rank Round 4 Cut-off by Rank Round 5 Cut-off by Rank Round 6 Cut-off by Rank
B.Tech Computer Science Engineering 102 102 102 102 102 102
B.Tech + M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering 196 196 196 196 196 197
B.Tech Mathematics and Computing 306 306 306 306 306 308
B.Tech + M.Tech Mathematics and Computing 401 401 401 401 401 401
B.Tech Electrical Engineering 574 574 574 574 574 574
B.Tech Electrical Engineering Power and Automation 797 797 797 797 797 797
B.Tech Engineering and Computational Mechanics 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 1865 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882
B.Tech Chemical Engineering 2291 2343 2343 2343 2343 2343
B.Tech Engineering Physics 2656 2778 2778 2778 2778 2839
B.Tech Energy Engineering 2839 2839 2839 2839 2839 2925
B.Tech Industrial & Production Engineering 3372 3374 3374 3374 3374 3589
B.Tech + M.Tech Chemical Engineering 3886 3956 3956 3956 3956 3956
B.Tech Material Science Engineering 4083 4083 4083 4083 4083 4259
BTech Civil Engineering 4261 4261 4261 4261 4261 4316
B.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering 4684 4744 4744 4744 4744 4797
B.Tech Textile Technology 5649 5786 5786 5786 5786 5796

JEE Advanced 2022 Category-wise Cut-off for IIT Delhi:

Course Name Category Gender Neutral Female Only
Opening Rank Closing Rank Opening Rank Closing Rank
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering OPEN 2747 4797 4717 10103
EWS 850 937 2308 2475
OBC-NCL 2173 2631 4554 5994
SC 940 1601 1822 2103
ST 697 924 1201 1201
Chemical Engineering OPEN 1261 2343 3327 4570
EWS 444 511 957 1007
OBC-NCL 950 1215 2626 3931
SC 228 680 840 1016
ST 518 565 764 764
Civil Engineering OPEN 2766 4316 4603 8274
EWS 522 713 1634 1805
OBC-NCL 1086 1750 3923 4666
SC 362 860 1584 1644
ST 31 170 272 530
Computer Science and Engineering OPEN 29 102 330 450
EWS 19 28 81 87
OBC-NCL 30 87 139 266
SC 16 34 55 130
ST 10 18 58 92
Electrical Engineering OPEN 358 574 1079 1572
EWS 122 153 307 371
OBC-NCL 219 383 1106 1484
SC 73 220 594 706
ST 12 114 40 177
Electrical Engineering (Power and Automation) OPEN 603 797 1645 2088
EWS 162 215 541 541
OBC-NCL 384 516 1927 2005
SC 230 300 707 743
ST 115 210 326 326
Energy Engineering OPEN 2360 2839 5110 6398
EWS 488 573 1946 1946
OBC-NCL 1336 1910 5537 5546
SC 619 1108 1196 1196
ST 529 627 930 930
Engineering and Computational Mechanics OPEN 819 1314 1361 2792
EWS 230 289 956 956
OBC-NCL 517 835 2495 2526
SC 223 409 886 886
ST 247 253 1105 1105
Engineering Physics OPEN 1404 2925 4007 6738
EWS 640 764 1935 1935
OBC-NCL 1199 1968 4549 5411
SC 829 1275 1804 2078
ST 593 705 1170 1170
Materials Engineering OPEN 2966 4259 9160 10094
EWS 841 874 2132 2132
OBC-NCL 1015 2249 5148 5778
SC 1157 1261 1735 1735
ST 777 810 1240 1240
Mathematics and Computing OPEN 140 308 697 942
EWS 62 85 167 169
OBC-NCL 94 243 642 933
SC 30 155 407 589
ST 32 96 219 219
Mechanical Engineering OPEN 918 1882 3330 4401
EWS 247 401 1058 1147
OBC-NCL 662 980 2312 3002
SC 260 507 965 1260
ST 216 296 735 735
Production and Industrial Engineering OPEN 1928 3589 6668 9192
EWS 542 828 2306 2688
OBC-NCL 1004 2156 5313 5549
SC 918 1312 2146 2562
ST 515 742 1127 1127
Textile Technology OPEN 4097 5796 8455 12034
EWS 949 1052 2313 2677
OBC-NCL 2266 2972 5898 7164
SC 1424 1759 2606 2873
ST 995 1093 960 960

*Note: These are the JEE Advanced 2022 Round 6 cut-off for IIT Delhi. 

JEE Advanced 2021 Category-wise Cut-off for IIT Delhi:

Branch Name Category Closing Rank
Male Female
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering General 4436 9472
EWS 962 2356
OBC 2579 6264
SC 1495 1830
ST 879 879
Chemical Engineering General 2213 5065
EWS 430 1331
OBC 1333 3765
SC 736 1228
ST 405 405
Civil Engineering General 3607 8280
EWS 668 1543
OBC 1620 4418
SC 727 1570
ST 130 209
Computer Science and Engineering General 99 432
EWS 30 105
OBC 83 340
SC 33 185
ST 17 53
Electrical Engineering General 543 1586
EWS 148 450
OBC 355 1190
SC 162 712
ST 112 155
Electrical Engineering (Power and Automation) General 841 1757
EWS 182 478
OBC 566 2085
SC 295 881
ST 235 401
Engineering and Computational Mechanics General 1258 2820
EWS 260 1263
OBC 894 3374
SC 432 1465
ST 367 630
Materials Engineering General 4072 9163
EWS 805 2162
OBC 2337 5742
SC 1304 2451
ST 726 726
Mathematics and Computing General 315 930
EWS 79 230
OBC 243 976
SC 126 536
ST 92 121
Mechanical Engineering General 1675 4577
EWS 303 1226
OBC 908 3386
SC 422 1345
ST 184 577
Production and Industrial Engineering General 3112 7585
EWS 734 2106
OBC 2108 5748
SC 1149 2403
ST 815 815
Textile Technology General 5470 11193
EWS 1145 2650
OBC 3100 7197
SC 1685 3369

*Note: These are the JEE Advanced 2021 Round 1 cut-off for IIT Delhi. There’s a possibility that all seats are filled in Round 1 only, so candidates should use the Round 1 cut-off only for reference.

JEE Advanced 2020 Category-wise Cut-off for IIT Delhi:

Branch Name Category Closing Rank
Male Female
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering General 4317 8090
EWS 1056 2441
OBC 2862 6226
SC 1727 2301
ST 887
Chemical Engineering General 2244 5520
EWS 542 1369
OBC 1419 3558
SC 785 1667
ST 358 407
Civil Engineering General 3738 8281
EWS 742 1775
OBC 1612 4048
SC 627 1582
ST 60 235
Computer Science and Engineering General 105 521
EWS 32 103
OBC 83 438
SC 41 122
ST 25 32
Electrical Engineering General 594 1412
EWS 120 354
OBC 365 1429
SC 204 530
ST 75 192
Electrical Engineering (Power and Automation) General 961 2386
EWS 177 440
OBC 588 1810
SC 418 1003
ST 175 270
Engineering and Computational Mechanics General 1362 3526
EWS 291 1045
OBC 981 2892
SC 554 1041
ST 495 495
Engineering Physics General 2188 4435
EWS 635 2091
OBC 1824 4767
SC 1113 2210
ST 846 846
Materials Engineering General 4349 9287
EWS 827 3470
OBC 2423 4981
SC 1548 2397
ST 664 664
Mathematics and Computing General 312 852
EWS 88 316
OBC 252 1107
SC 167 624
ST 121 124
Mechanical Engineering General 1464 4760
EWS 329 1340
OBC 917 2691
SC 432 1017
ST 184 365
Production and Industrial Engineering General 3447 6740
EWS 750 2502
OBC 2053 4923
SC 1270 2199
ST 699 699
Textile Technology General 6278 11722
EWS 1442 2918
OBC 3299 6849
SC 2022 2937

*Note: These are the JEE Advanced 2020 Round 1 cut-off for IIT Delhi. There’s a possibility that all seats are filled in Round 1 only, so candidates should use the Round 1 cut-off only for reference.

JEE Advanced Previous Years’ Cut-off for IIT Delhi:

Courses 2022 2021 2020 2019
B.Tech Computer Science Engineering 102 99 104 93
B.Tech + M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering 196 180 189 192
B.Tech Mathematics and Computing 306 315 310 314
B.Tech + M.Tech Mathematics and Computing 401 376 385 378
B.Tech Electrical Engineering 574 543 550 468
B.Tech Electrical Engineering Power and Automation 797 841 936 802
B.Tech Engineering and Computational Mechanics 1314 1258 1297
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 1865 1675 1435 1221
B.Tech Chemical Engineering 2291 2213 2109 1875
B.Tech Engineering Physics 2656 2142 2186 2417
B.Tech Energy Engineering 2839 2646
B.Tech Industrial & Production Engineering 3372 3112 3292 3169
B.Tech + M.Tech Chemical Engineering 3886 3194 3373 3103
B.Tech Material Science Engineering 4083 4072 3938
BTech Civil Engineering 4261 3607 3653 3193
B.Tech Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering 4684 4436 4190 4142
B.Tech Textile Technology 5649 5470 5886 5868

It is important to note that IIT Delhi’s cut-off varies annually. The above-mentioned previous years’ cut-off is for reference only. The JEE Advanced 2023 cut-off for IIT Delhi may differ depending on various factors.

The cut-off for IIT Delhi is one of the highest among all the IITs in India. The competition is fierce, and candidates need to prepare well to score high in JEE. The previous years’ cut-off gives an idea of the score required for admission at IIT Delhi. However, the cut-off varies every year based on various factors, and candidates should aim to score as high as possible to increase their chances of getting admission to IIT Delhi.

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