All you must know about Psychometric Test for Students

  • ACIO
  • November 24, 2023

Psychometric Test is a scientific method of measuring a person’s natural talent, skills, abilities, and interests to assess their aptitude and personality. The word Psychometric consists of two words ‘psyche’, which means “mind”, and ‘metric’, which means “measure”. Hence it means measuring one’s mind. The test includes a series of questions to identify an individual’s personality traits, cognitive abilities, behaviour preferences etc. Students who take the psychometric tests will be able to discover their hidden potential and skills. Thereby making informed career decisions as they advance in their studies.

Types of Psychometric Tests:

There are basically two types of Psychometric Tests

  • Aptitude tests
  • Personality tests

Aptitude Tests:

Aptitude tests evaluate your cognitive or reasoning abilities. Here are the categories found within it:

  • Numerical reasoning test: It assesses your basic mathematical skills and data interpretation.
  • Verbal reasoning test: It evaluates your ability to interpret verbal/ written information for decision making.
  • Inductive reasoning test: It determines your decision-making abilities. You’ll be given some information and asked to reach a conclusion based on it.
  • Diagrammatic reasoning test: It necessitates students to spot patterns or trends using diagrammatic data.
  • Logical reasoning test: It determines your logical thinking and reasoning skills via flowcharts and diagrams.
  • Error checking test: It assesses your ability to spot errors in the provided complex data set.

Personality tests:

Personality test aims to evaluate your personality, interests, values, emotions, behaviour and motivation to determine your character and problem-solving skills.

Importance of Psychometric Tests for Students:

Students feel overwhelmed and confused with the number of career options available and as a result, choosing the right career path for oneself becomes challenging. Psychometric test help students identify their skills, adopt new viewpoints and attitudes about their studies to make informed career decisions. It determines students’ cognitive abilities before making life-changing career decisions. It is perfect for students who are unsure about which stream to choose.

Advantages of Psychometric Test for Students:

Psychometric tests offer numerous benefits to students. Some of them are:

  • Highlights their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Measures their hidden abilities, thinking skills and intelligence.
  • Provides insight into their personality and academic capabilities.
  • Forms a robust foundation for making critical career decisions.
  • Offers focused and direct career consultation.
  • Save students from regret and repercussions of making wrong career decisions.

How will the Psychometric Test be conducted?

Psychometric Tests consist of a series of questions which aims to understand participants’ characteristics and personality types. The questions are usually in a multiple-choice format that students must answer within the prescribed time limit. Therefore, students must provide accurate and honest answers to the best of their knowledge and understanding to draw valuable conclusions.

Psychometric tests are conducted in both online and offline modes. Students who opt for offline mode must complete a pre-designed questionnaire using a pen and paper. However, the online mode is a more advanced form of psychometric test. The additional advantage of the online option is that the questions are more specific to the student’s individuality, and new questions are unlocked based on the student’s prior response. This makes it easier to break down each of the eminent qualities in an organised manner.

Students will get a FREE Psychometric Test worth INR 2000. The test will be conducted online.


Q: How hard are Psychometric Tests?

A: The difficulty level is subjective. Some find a few questions challenging, but others find them easy to answer, and that’s how it measures your aptitude and personality.

Q: How can students benefit from Psychometric Test?

A: Psychometric Test help students discover their hidden potential and academic capabilities, thus helping students make informed career decisions. So if you are confused about which stream or career to choose, Psychometric test will help you eradicate the confusion.

Q: What Is the Purpose of Psychometric Tests for students?

A: The purpose of Psychometric Tests for students is as follows:

  • Understanding your strength and weakness.
  • Identifying your skills, interests, and academic potential.
  • Find your best-suited career option.

Q: Why is ALLEN Overseas providing Psychometric test with TALLENTEX Overseas 2024?

A: Choosing the right career is imperative yet challenging for students. With the overwhelming choices around us, it is hard to find what suits you. Even parents are anxious about their child’s future. To help them identify the best-suited career choice for their ward and make informed decisions, ALLEN Overseas provides a free Psychometric Test to every registered student of TALLENTEX Overseas 2024.

Q: Will there be a timer for the Psychometric test?

A: Yes, for the Psychometric test, students must answer questions within the prescribed time limit.


    1. Thank you for reaching out to us!
      Yes, it is for those students who appeared in the TALLENTEX Overseas exam.

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